Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 24: Nutrition & Fitness

Fitness: Got to go on a mile run/walk by myself today. Apparently without Specs to slow me down, I can't help but pick up the pace. This isn't necessarily a good thing as the running segments were more strenuous. I attempted to force myself to a slow jog, but it was a difficult pace to maintain.


Breakfast: chocolate milk - up since 2:30 am so I guess last night's snack should have counted for today. Didn't have the energy or will to make breakfast so poured the kids some cheerios and milk and made myself a glass of cm - 300 calories

Lunch: PB & Chocolate fro-yo with peanuts and hot sauce - I didn't pass Taco Bell on the way home today due to some errands, and I was about to crash from exhaustion, so I let myself cave for a quick sugar pick-me-up - est. 400 calories

Supper: Sweet Tea & Fillet o Fish - Took the kids to tour our city on a trolley (which they LOVED) but man it was hot. WH offered me a McD's $1 sweet tea on the way home, which I excitedly agreed to. But then I couldn't get the FoF out of my head. I haven't had one since I was pregnant....with Curly! It was a nice treat, but still...lots of fast food! Urgh! Probably not helping my cholesterol levels. - 620 calories


Total Calories: 1320
Total Liquid: 44oz

Day 23: Nutrition

Breakfast: PB & Nutella Oatmeal w/ a half cup milk - Decided to add some flax meal today to get a little more fiber in my & Spec's diet. Curly still won't really eat this, although she got a couple bites down today - 250 calories

Lunch: An Apple and milk & cookies - 500 calories

Supper: Organic boxed mac'n'cheese with salmon - Spec's ate this one because it was orange. Yay? - 350 calories

3am snack: milk 'n' cookies - honestly not sure if this should count for today or yesterday. We all went to bed at 7pm last night, so I was unusually awake when Tiny ate her usually 2:30am meal. - 450 calories

Total Calories: 1550
Total Liquid: 40oz

Day 23: Fitness

After somewhat burning out on day 18, and crashing and burning most of the rest of the week, I've decided to give myself weekends off and to start fresh this Monday. I really would like this to be more of a gradual lifestyle change than a 'work out every day for a few weeks and then go back to being lazy' effort.

Also, I'm getting seriously sick of jumping jacks to the point of making all kinds of excuses to get out of them. Not sure what will be my daily routine going forward.

Today I took Specs out for a jog, and we jog/walked a mile. Back a few years ago, hubby and I started the Couch Potato to 5K program, and made it to about week 3 before it got frigid out (not my best planning moment). When I picked it up again this spring briefly, I was THRILLED to find out I hadn't lost any stamina. I can't really run for extended periods, but yesterday I made it for most of the mile, with only a few walking breaks. Prior to the first time we started 5k 'training' I couldn't even jog to the mailbox without nearly blacking out.

Total: Jog 1 mile, walk 1/3 mile

Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 23: Pinspiration

Hahaha. I know the trick is to not buy the junk food in the first place, but usually around the end of the third week (or the middle in this case) I go on a junk food buying binge. Blah!

(source: someecards.com)