Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day 14: Nutrition

Breakfast: Nada - I really meant to eat breakfast, but I completely forgot in the rush to get the kids to the beach before it got hot and crowded. Definitely regretted that when semi-stranded with sandy kids who (understandably) didn't want to leave the beach just so Mommy could eat - 0 calories

Snack 1: Hubby treated me to a Dunkin Donuts Mocha Almond Iced Coffee on the way home. YUM! Unfortunately we both forgot that coffee triggers my IBS...especially on an empty stomach. So I only drank half of it. Was still really delicious though - 165 calories

Lunch: Salmon salad, peanut butter graham crackers, and chocolate milk. I'd recommend water over anything chocolatey as a more appropriate accompaniment to salmon...yick - 500 calories

Snack 2: taste-tested some home-made Twix bars and finished the chocolate milk - 340 calories

Supper: Skipped - kinda grossed out and tired

Total Calories: 1005
Total Liquid: 28

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