Breakfast - a peanut butter Milkbite bar - rushing out the door for my weekly morning in-office since wonder-hubby let me sleep in this morning! I'm a new woman! (got 8 hours of sleep and Tiny only woke up once...woohoo!) Notice the box says the Milkbites are best if used by 7/24/12. Joke with hubby that I have to eat them ALL today. - 140 calories
Snack - a bottle of water...except I left the water in the car and got too busy to grab it. 'Oh well, I'll drink it with lunch'. - 0 calories
Lunch - Double Decker Taco from the Bell - needed some 'real food' after all the bites of milky peanut butter flavored wood pulp. Take a sip of my water in the drive-through line and am tempted to order a soda since it's about 100 degrees....end up 'saving' the calories since a soda wouldn't look very good on my second day tracking. Sip the water, pretending I'm British and just sipping a hot cuppa...have a little more trouble imagining the taco is a scone. - 320 calories
Snack 2 - Butterscotch Krimpets TastyKakes & glass of milk - When I was a little girl my Grandma used to say that these were her favorite treats when SHE was a girl. Saw a pack for the first time in years and just had to have them for sentimental reasons ... though after consuming them it occurred that I probably should have saved them for my 3rd snack of the day and skipped the 2nd altogether - 500 calories
Supper - 1 hot dog, ketchup & mustard - ugh. I've never been a huge fan of hot dogs, but a couple weeks ago they were on sale and I got on a kick. Hot dogs for supper, lunch, and breakfast....*shudder* I think I may have been possessed. A far cry from tonight when I could barely choke down the one on my plate. Hate to waste food though (oh who am I kidding...didn't feel like getting off my tush long enough to cook something else) - 280 calories
Snack 3 (in celebration of silence) -2 nutella graham sandwiches....followed by 2 more and a bottle of water....followed by an intense desire to eat an entire pizza - 460 calories
4th Meal - pizza cravings were killing me to the point that around midnight I actually got up and made a pizza from scratch...ate half - 500 calories
Total Calories: 2200 (technically 'saving' 360 calories since I skipped the soda I really wanted. At this rate I'll be skinny *cough * sputter* I mean fit in no time!)
Total Liquid: 50 oz
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